About Us
The BFVEA is a friendly association which supports and serves the best interests of all practitioners of flower and vibrational essence therapy, as well as providing an information resource for the general public.
The association has a membership of practitioners from across the UK and the world, and it is supported by well-known essence enthusiasts such as our Lifetime Presidents Dr Andrew Tresidder and the actor Martin Shaw. Click here to join us and become a member.
We hold annual Gatherings in the UK that are loved by our members and that are also open to non-members. We also offer a quarterly magazine and regular e-newsletter.
The BFVEA was formed in 1998 and is headed by a committee of experienced essence practitioners.
Our key activities include:
- Operating with the Bach Centre, as the Confederation of Registered Essence Practitioners (COREP) – the UK Lead Body and Professional Council for essence therapy;
- Raising interest in, and awareness of, flower and other vibrational essences in the UK and overseas;
- Providing guidelines, setting standards and accrediting courses for training essence practitioners;
- Monitoring and advising on current legal requirements for essence therapy and production;
- Providing the public with a list of registered essence practitioner members;
- Offering an affordable block insurance scheme for our essence practitioners and producers;
- Presenting an informative website offering information about essences and the BFVEA;
- Publishing a professional, illustrated magazine, and a quarterly e-newsletter – both containing current articles, thoughts and research on essences.
- Acting as a forum for research into all aspects of essence use in which members can be involved.