We hope you enjoy the following interviews on various aspects of flower essences. For more information download The BFVEA Guide to Flower and Vibrational Essences.
Ian White and the Australian Bush Flower Essences
As part of International Essence Awareness Week 2019, Sara Estelle Turner (Chair of the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association) interviewed Ian White of the Australian Bush Flower Essences. They spoke about how essences can help us take positive and empowering steps to enjoy our life here on Earth – staying Calm and Clear, protecting ourselves from modern influences (such as 5G), the beautiful Waratah that you see behind Ian in the video and the importance of gratitude.
Saskia’s Marjoram of Saskia’s Flower Essences
As part of International Essence Awareness Week 2019, Saskia Marjoram of Saskia’s Flower Essences joins Sara Estelle Turner (Chair of the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association) to explore ‘Using Essences to Stay Grounded During Uncertain Times’. They discuss essences from different ranges and explore – Staying positive despite what we see around us – Getting on with our days and helping others to do the same – Following our life purpose and not straying from the path.
Dr Andrew Tresidder and flower essences
Dr Andrew Tresidder is a Somerset GP who believes that the secret of good health lies in the natural world. “Medicine, surgery and pills definitely have their place” he says, “but if you want your health to blossom, you have to build it up in other ways, and not just treat disease”. Flower Essences can help us achieve greater health and happiness.
Dr Andrew’s talk draws on his years of practical experience in the South West. “I’ve practiced Family Medicine in Somerset for twenty years,” he says. “In my experience when people feel well, they heal well. It seems that nature has the ability to help us retune ourselves and help bring us back into balance.” Dr Andrew is the author of I’m Fine!
Learning to Unblock Your Emotions and the writer and presenter of the DVD Nature’s Alchemy, which can be seen at the online Spirit Enlightened Festival
Dr Andrew’s website is www.drandrew.co.uk
Healing Herbs essences
Julian Barnard is the Founder of Healing Herbs Bach Essences and author of several books on the life and work of Dr. Edward Bach. In this interview Julian shares how he came to work with flower essences, his passion for sharing his research programmes openly and freely and how the flower signature and its environment inform us about the healing message of the flower or tree.
You can find out more by visiting Healing Herbs.
Visit also the Bach Educational Resource.
How Flower and Vibrational Essences can Support Children and Teenagers
Sara Estelle (Chair of the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association) and Erik Pelham (past International Chair) talk about how the natural energy of essences can support children and teenagers (of all ages) to stay true to their own soul and life path so that we can all live life to our true potential.
How Flower Essences can Help your Children and Family
BFVEA Advanced Practitioner Members Jan Stewart and Lucy Hunter talk about how flower essences can support children. Lucy began using essences with her children when they were young and found through self-exploration and learning that they helped enormously. Lucy realised that her children became her teacher and felt empowered as a mother that she was able to help her children in this way. Lucy has since gone on to become an accredited Flower Essence Practitioner and shares in the video how you too can support your children with essences. Flower Essences are totally safe to use with children and easily found in health food shops and similar.
How Flower and Vibrational Essences Can Support Men
How can Flower Essences Support Men? In this video BFVEA Advanced Practitioner Jan Stewart and Essence Producer and Practitioner Sam Cremnitz talk about how flower and vibrational essences can help men in connecting with, owning and sharing true feelings – ensuring easier life and more harmonious relationships.
Five Element Bailey Essences with Chris Bailey and Jenny Howarth
Bailey Essences Founder Chris Bailey and Owner and Founder of Yorkshire Essences Jenny Howarth talk about the Five Element Bailey Essences and how they can be used. To find out more about these essences visit https://www.yorkshirefloweressences.com
Steve Johnson and the Alaskan Essences
In this week’s Nature Connections show Sara Turner (Chair of the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association) speaks to Steve Johnson, Founder of Alaskan Essences. Steve began working with animals, especially dogs, cats, and horses, before he started working with people. His own personal contact with animals taught him that they were intelligent and soulful beings with well-developed emotional capacities. He also felt a debt of gratitude towards the animal companions that had blessed his life with their presence and wanted to give something back. From the outset, he found that animals were generally more responsive to flower essences than humans, and over the years he has seen the positive effects essences can have in a number of areas. Steve feels his work is to not only empower people to use essences from nature to heal their animal friends, but to increase public awareness of what is possible when we expand the circle of healing between the animal, human, and nature kingdoms.
In this interview Steve discusses why animals get sick and how essences can help them heal. He also shares information about the workshops he is running this Autumn with Animal Communicator Judith Poelarends. These workshops are an opportunity for “animal guardians” and those working in the fields of animal health care and animal rescue to learn the effective application of Alaskan flower, gem and environmental essences.
You can find full details by visiting http://www.alaskanessences.com/education/steve.html of the Autumn workshops in Brazil, England and Holland.
Helping depression with Flower Essences
Sara Estelle Turner (Chair of the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association) in the latest Nature Connections show is joined by Chris Phillips, Author of “Treating Depression Naturally”. Chris shares more about how flower essences can help with depression.
Flower Essences for the Modern World with Clare G Harvey
In today’s Nature Connections show Sara Estelle Turner (Chair of the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association) is joined by her very first flower essence teacher Clare G Harvey. Clare is an authority on flower essences from around the world and was the person who inspired her to follow the path of nature. Clare discusses the huge role that flower essences can play in our healing and how they fit perfectly within all complementary health practices.
Clare also shares about her new Flowers of the Orient essences.
Sue Lilly and Flower Essences
Sue Lilly has been working as a therapist and teacher for over thirty years. She has studied and uses astrology, crystal therapy, colour therapy, nutrition and kinesiology. For twelve years she ran a busy therapy clinic until writing and teaching became her priorities. With her husband Simon, she has written over thirty books covering a wide range of complementary and alternative healing topics.
She is an Advanced Practitioner and Tutor with the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association (BFVEA), she holds the position of Secretary of the British Association of Flower Essence Producers (BAFEP).
As a mother of three and grandmother of five, she is especially keen to pass on her knowledge to younger generations so that they can benefit from the natural ways of maintaining well-being and be empowered by the natural world around them.
Australian Bush Essences
In this week’s Nature Connections Sara Estelle Turner speaks to Ian White, Founder of the Australian Bush Essences. Ian shares the flower essence research projects that are having extraordinary results in orphanages in Brazil and with children in Belarus. He also speaks about the benefits of using Mulla Mulla flower essence when being exposed to forms of radiation – from x-rays, electro-radiation and radiation therapy.
Hear how easy it is to use flower essences and what great results you can achieve without specialist knowledge for yourself, your children and those you love.
You can find out more about Australian Bush Essences by visiting http://ausflowers.com.au and to find your nearest stockist.
Rosana Souto S Vieira and Flower Essences
Rosana Souto S. Vieira has trained widely in the field of healing arts, including astrology as well as flower essence therapy. In 1990, she left her original career as a chemical engineer to dedicate her life to helping others. In today’s Nature Connections, Rosana shares with us how she came to work with flower essences, how essences are being widely used in her native Brazil and how we can use flower essences to address the soul in ourselves and our clients.
Through more than two decades of case research, the Flower Essence Society, USA, has identified eight major archetypal levels of soul healing for flower essence therapy. These eight Meta-Flora levels, as described by Patricia Kaminski´s Flowers that Heal are a map of the human soul – one long recognized in alchemy and various spiritual traditions. It reflects seven primary aspects of the human soul with a culminating eight level. The Meta-floral levels approach to healing is used nowadays by thousands of therapists, all over the world, linked to the Flower Essence Society with very successful results, as regard as achieving progressive levels of transformation.
During this hour programme I also discuss the importance of flower essence rescue remedies and discuss essences that may be useful during times of devastation and trauma.
The Chalice Well Essences
In this interview Sophie Knock gives some of the history of Chalice Well and explains how that relates to the Chalice Well Essences. A strong morphic field of healing and working with the Nature Kingdoms has been established here over thousands of years. Sophie relates how the 9 Chalice Well Essences contain a design for the unfoldment of human evolution and consciousness, providing a pathway through cleansing, alignment, and transformation to self-revelation, wisdom, joy and unity.
We hear how the Chalice Well Essences are created by a resonant group in co-creation with the plants themselves using the waters from this ancient Holy Well. The newest range, called Heaven on Earth, has been made at cosmically significant times, tuning in with planetary and galactic alignments, as well as a new range being created this year based on the Celtic Wheel of the Year with people connecting in around the world.
In 2014 Chalice Well are offering a practitioner training as a series of practical and experiential workshops designed for practitioners, healers and therapists, but also open to anyone with an interest in vibrational essences who wishes to connect with the healing energies of the Chalice Well – www.chalicewell.org.uk/essences
Korte Essences
Andreas Korte is a true pioneer in the essence world and shares many facets of his work – including the potential of essences to clear generational patterns and how he has been working with people affected by radiation in Japan.
Flower essences and Astrology with Debbie Sellwood
Debbie Sellwood is a professional Astrologer and a Flower and Vibrational Essence Practitioner. She is the author of the book ‘Centaury for Virgo, Rock Rose for Pisces, a guide to selecting essences by the astrological signs. As an Astrologer she is passionate about helping clients understand themselves, especially in a spiritual sense, so they can realize their potential and uncover their Soul purpose and path in life. She cannot praise Vibrational Essences highly enough and uses them in numerous ways to support clients, bring well-being into their lives and assist them to make the most of their opportunities. In addition to being an Advanced Practitioner with the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association (BFVEA), she holds the position of COREP Secretary.
The Bach Centre
In this week’s Nature Connections show Sara Estelle Turner interviews Director of the Bach Centre and Author, Stefan Ball. If you love the Bach Essences and want to meet the team that is carrying forward the legacy of Dr Bach and his essences, you will love meeting Stefan.
Stefan discusses how to choose flower essences for yourself, the most Bach popular flower essences in different countries and makes suggestions for essences that can help us all in today’s busy world.
If you’d like to find out more about the Bach Centre, purchase Bach Essences and find out about their training courses worldwide, please visit http://www.bachcentre.com
Sara also discusses flower essences that can be used to help gardeners when sowing seeds, transplanting, and to keep your plants and flowers healthy and stress free.