BFVEA Flower Essence courses
BFVEA Accredited courses are offered by BFVEA Tutor members and their information is below. These courses offer the student Advanced Practitioner Membership on completion. An Anatomy & Physiology qualification is a requirement.
Distant Learning Courses
There are now several courses in the UK being taught to BFVEA guidelines by Tutor members. Successful students from these courses can be immediately accepted as BFVEA Practitioner Members with an Anatomy & Physiology qualification.
Prior Learning
The BFVEA accepts that people often learn from more than one source. Individuals can request that prior learning from several places, certificated or not, plus self-taught topics, can be taken into account for Practitioner Membership by Experience.
Tutors offering the full BFVEA course accept people wishing to attend small sections of their course, as study towards the Practitioner Membership. Please approach the individual tutor.
Therapy insurance cover is required for all BFVEA Members.
Chalice Well
Flower & Vibrational Essences Diploma
This BFVEA accredited practitioner training programme touches all aspects of working in conscious partnership with nature.
Students can attend any or all of four three-day workshops, each of which focusses on a different aspect of flower and vibrational essences. All four workshops combine to deliver a complete professional training programme in Flower and Vibrational Essences Therapy to Advanced Practitioner level.
Learn and study with experienced tutors, in the unique environment of this ancient holy well. Imagine the simple joy of making your own essence, or fulfilling your vision of becoming a practitioner or essence producer. These workshops will support, inspire and guide you at every level.
The Chalice Well is an ancient Holy Well situated at the foot of Glastonbury Tor, within the mystical landscape of Avalon. The healing waters that flow from the Red Spring have associations with the Holy Grail and help to make the garden a living sanctuary. Chalice Well Essences are co-created to support the healing journey and evolve personal and spiritual capacities so that we can create the life we want and become all that we can be.
The Founder, Wellesley Tudor Pole, described the Chalice Well as
“a window into the wider realms of life and being, and also a channel through which Inspiration can pour and become more easily perceived and accepted than elsewhere”.
To find out more or to book your place
or call and ask for Casey Jon on
01458 831154
Mandala Complementary Studies (MCS),
“Llanddewi” Cefn Gorwydd
Llangammarch Wells
Powys, Wales, LD4 4DN
Tel: 01591 610792
email: Website:
Sue Lilly is one of the founder members of the BFVEA and was part of the group that put the guidelines together for BFVEA courses. Sue has been teaching the MCS Flower Essence Practitioner Diploma course since 1999. This course has been taught in further education settings as well as the current, part-tutored, part correspondence/email arrangement. Over the years there have been many changes to the course to keep everything up to date. To date there have been nearly 200 students who have successfully navigated the course, many of whom are now also essence producers and a large proportion have used the course as a springboard to a variety of paths.
The course features the 12 “healers” of the essences made according to the instructions of Dr Edward Bach, (provided by Healing Herbs), the Focus Fix Combination Essences from Green Man Essences, the Sovereignty Environmental Essences, essences from Australian Bush Flower Combinations range and one “Test” essence. The book ‘The Essence Practitioner’ was published by Singing Dragon in 2014 and joined over 39 books written by Sue (some with her husband Simon) since 1996.
Sue is the current Secretary of the British Association of Flower Essence Producers and Chair of the Crystal Therapy Council (CTC). She works closely with the energies of the land and aims to keep her teaching and writing straightforward, grounded and concise to enable many people to have access to information and techniques that enable them to move towards developing their full potential.
Iona Leigh Training
In June 2022 another wonderful group of students achieved Advanced Practitioner status following a course run in the beautiful Sunshine Room in Findhorn, overlooking the golden gorse dunelands.
I grew up running essence workshops with my mother Marion Leigh, the founder of Findhorn Flower Essences and have spent the last 20 years developing my essence and teaching skills both online and here in Findhorn, Scotland.
My aim is to empower students to find their authentic expression as an essence Practitioner. In my course, you will explore the Findhorn Flower, Gem and Element Essences, Bach Flower Essences, Australian Bush and Cornish Holy Well Essences.
In my course, you learn how to create your own essences by connecting to flowers, plants and environmental vibrations. The course offers many different opportunities for personal development and a deeper connection with nature.
The Flower and Vibrational Essences Advanced Practitioner Course, accredited by the BFVEA, runs a 10-week online Part 1, followed by a 10-week online Part 2, before a 4 day live Part 3 in the Findhorn Eco-village every June, at the midsummer solstice.
CPD training is also available for qualified practitioners via our monthly online Peer Mentoring Group.
I look forward to meeting you one day!