Woodland Grange, Leamington Spa,Warwickshire
The BFVEA Annual Conference for 2023 will be held at Woodland Grange, Leaington Spa from 4.00 pm on Friday 10th March – 4.00 pm on Sunday 12th March. To book your attendance go to our booking page. Below you can see our programme of speakers and more information will be added in due course.
Vivien Williamson – An Elemental Study of the Bach Seven Helpers
I have always thought the Seven Helpers to be a particularly mysterious and interesting group as it contains the most popular Bach essence as well the most unpopular. To make these set of essences even more fascinating, Dr. Bach choose some very unusual flowers from a wide variety of landscapes and even made one from water alone. Eager to understand more about the Seven, I have explored their signatures in depth and look forward to sharing my insights in this talk.
Tel: 01273 732942 email: vivien@sunessences.org www.sunessences.org
Lynda Tarpey – From Inspiration to Manifestation – Personal and professional development the Bach way
Do you have great ideas but sometimes struggle to move them into something tangible. Building on the work of the late Anna Jeoffroy-Salmon, this session will explore how we can use the power of Bach essences in harmony with our Chakra energies to move on our personal journeys and manifest our inspirations and ideas.
Tel: 07803 206 939 email: lynda@lyndatarpey.co.uk www.lyndatarpey.co.uk
Julie Bowman – The 4 Agreements
The 4 Agreements are a way of maintaining our grip in this ever changing world. During this presentation you will discover how these simple but powerful, complex and effective 4 agreements can help guide us with our evolution in life and how essences can support us in this process to become more aware. I have identified specific essences to be helpful in this process, so do come along to brain storm, share and take part in this immersive workshop.
Tel:07815088180 Email:julie@lotusholistic.com
Chris Bailey and Jenny Howarth – TO BE ANNOUNCED
Tel: 01943 432012 email: office@yorkshireessences.com www.yorkshirefloweressences.com
Bonny Casel – Processing Life Experiences with the Support of Flower Essences
In this interactive presentation, Bonny will share love letters, brainstorming and mind maps; three methods she uses to engage clients in processing past and present life experience with the support of flower essences. Explore the connections between past and present feelings, as well as uncover the deepest layer of feeling that underpins emotional and mental patterns. This will be a fun, creative process, so do bring coloured pencils and paper to fully participate.
email: info@schoolofnaturalmedicine.com
Jan Stewart – Paws for Thought
A light hearted look at the signatures animals present for making their essences and discovering more about ourselves.
www.stewartessences.co.uk janstewart15@gmail.com
Iona Leigh – Earth Healing
Iona offers her unique insight into how flower essences can be used for Earth Healing by drawing on her mother Marion Leigh’s 30 years experience and research into Plant Consciousness, her upbringing in the Findhorn Foundation Exo-Village, and early experiences through Waldorf Steiner
ionaleigh@findhornessences.com www.findhornessences.com
Michelle Nilson – Invoking Elemental Wisdom
Michelle will be speaking about her time spent with the Native American elders and the wisdom that they shared with her about these transitional times we currently find ourselves in. Included in this presentation will be how to invoke Elemental wisdom through the use of Native American and Celtic traditional teachings. There will be a ceremony to invoke the seven directions and elemental kingdom, followed by discussion of the topic in relation to essences and the natural world around us.
Email: michellenilson777@gmail.com Tel: +353 87 103 5532 www.naturesessencealchemy.com
Jane Gilbey – Healing for horses, Healing people
A history about how horses and humans have had an intertwined relationship for many centuries and how those interactions have led to many horses carrying deep unresolved trauma and becoming disconnected from their soul group, communicating with my herd and the horse ancestors and spirit guides around a new essence to help the, heal. How I have been using essences to support horses and how there has been shift in how we relate to horses in these times. The horse human relationship evolving. How horses now help support humans with my work. I will give a message from the horses for our group at the end of my talk.
email: jane@naturalanswer.co.uk. www.naturalanswer.co.uk
Natalia Montes – Life inside the womb: insights on chakras, perinatal matrices and how we can heal with essences
We all came from the fluid world of our mother’s womb. Yet, it’s so hard to remember what life was like by then. Can those proverbal experiences leave a mark on our later life? Are there ways to access and harmonise that information?
Pregnancy is a crucial time for our souls. It’s when we are first welcomed into this life, usually very connected to our life purpose and spiritual guides, and with the urge to start grounding into our new tiny bodies.
Based on her preception and by dowsing many mother and baby’s chakras from conception to birth, Natalia will share her discoveries and experiences about the evolution of chakras during the first stages of life; how Vibrational Essences can help in this grounding process and what can we as adults do to bring healing to our own perinatal experiences
email: hello@patagoniaessences.com www.patagoniaessences.com
Wolfgang Riedl – The Seed of Potential – stepping out of the box with Flower essence application on acupuncture points
Wolfgang lives and works in Berlin as a Massage Therapist, Flower Essence Practitioner and is trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is the co-creator of the New Energy Flower Essences (NEF) from Hawaii, Bali, Iceland, the Canary Islands and Germany. He explored the different ways of combining Flower Essences with skin zones, reflexology areas, acupuncture points and meridian application.
Wolfgang will share insights from his work with clients with the application of seeds of potential acupoint and why and who could benefit. He will be including the experience of a Seed of Potential application with one of his NEF Island Essence. We are all born with the potential to express our soul in this Life. Through interaction with the world/beings/environment we experience different obstacles on the way. With the seed of potential application we stimulate the true source within us to live our soulful life in a harmonious balanced way.
Tel: +49(01)175 599 63 52 email: mail@wolfgang-riedl.de www.wolfgang-riedl.de
Sam Kremnitz – TO BE ANNOUNCED
Amy Murphy Watts – TO BE ANNOUNCED