*Please note that for overseas members, insurance may not always available in their country of residence.
Essences provide an excellent self-help therapy, and, for simple solutions, self-administering is ideal. However, the choice of essences is vast, which can make it confusing when trying to select an essence for oneself. Also, if you attempt to address profound or complex issues with essences, it can be difficult to know just where to start. In these situations, you are advised to book an appointment with a qualified practitioner, where you can benefit from an objective view of your situation or issue and their expertise and wide range of flower essences to choose from.
The way in which practitioners work may vary slightly, according to their training, certain methods they may have adopted over time, other modalities they work with and their experiences with clients. In order to be able to help you, a practitioner needs to fully appreciate your specific situation or issue, so will need to ask you several questions in order to complete a case history form. In addition to utilising their vast knowledge of essences, some practitioners may work with kinesiology, dowsing or other intuitive means, to choose the essences specifically for you. Practitioners create tailor-made bottles for their clients. These may consist of drops from either a single bottle of stock essence or a combination of drops from several different stock essences.
Read also what to expect in an essence therapy consultation with a BFVEA practitioner.